This wonderful bouquet combines two of the most elegant and sweet flowers - white lily and pink rose, creating an enchanting duo that no one can resist. The bouquet is delicately arranged with leucadendron and ruscus.
This arrangement contains the following flowers:
- Pink roses
- White lilies
- Leaucadendron
- Ruscus
Next day delivery is available for orders placed before 4pm.
Deluxe size bouquet pictured.
Substitution policy:
As flowers may be seasonal, we reserve the right to substitute any flowers not currently in stock. To ensure customer satisfaction, flowers will be substituted with a flower similar size and color of the same or superior style, quality and value.
Please note: Different colour option apply to the dominating colours in the arrangement.
Small decorative parts will likely remain the same.
This is a terrific online florist. They delivered a spectacular flower arrangement to my flat just a bit ago. The flowers are gorgeous and unbelievably fresh.
The arrangement sent to my mother was simply stunning. My mother could not stop talking about how beautiful the arrangement was.
Super fresh and beautiful!
Had the best online shopping experience thanks to this flower shop. The bouquet is fantastic!
The flowers were delivered to my cousin in Oxford. She sent me photos of the arrangement and the flowers looked amazing!
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We grow our flowers with love and care so they become your favorite.
We deliver smiles and great moments, and we do it on time.
Our wide floral range is suitable for every pocket.
Providing quality products and services continues to be our main goal and value.
Your payments will be secured thanks to our proven methods.